Inclement Weather Policy

As the GCCYS is informed of gym closings by parish/school coordinators (they can do this via the contact form or by contacting Amerileagues or GCCYS commissioners directly), this information will be shared on the front page of the web site. In addition, games will be marked as postponed or cancelled which will trigger email and SMS text notifications to those that subscribe to Game Status Change notifications for teams affected. If we have a very large weather event, the web site might be put into maintenance mode in order to handle traffic. If this is the case, listings of closed gyms will appear.
GCCYS Policy: Games/matches may be postponed due to extreme inclement weather where the safety of the coaches, players and spectators are at risk. It will be the responsibility of the parish/school site representative and coordinator, at the hosting school, to make the decision regarding the closing of their facility. The coordinator must provide notification to GCCYS a minimum of 90 minutes prior to the start of a game/match. All subsequent games/matches will be cancelled except in cases where it may be possible to re-open later in the day. If a host team's gym is open but the visiting team decides not to participate it will result in a forfeit. Request for postponement and reschedule will be accepted from coordinators only. As always, every person/family is in charge of their own safety. If you feel uncomfortable driving, then don't.