Basketball Season Schedules Now Available

The full season schedule for girls and boys basketball is now available (11/17 8pm). These schedules were reviewed by the coordinators from each parish/school and feedback was provided to the league before the schedule was finalized. Thank you to all coordinators for their feedback, almost all of which was incorporated into the schedule.
Schedules can be found in a variety of formats from the Schedule menu (by Team, by Date, by Gym). If you are a coach, you can also view a pre-filtered version of the schedule which only shows your team from your Coach Portal. Others who created an account on the web site and subscribed to a team or teams, can view those schedules on their Subscriber Portal.
It is important to note that now that the schedule is live, making changes to it will be very difficult. Any feedback a coach might have with the schedule should be directed to their parish/school coordinator and not the league. League coordinators are instructed to inform the league of any issues that might arise with the schedule and to work with the league and the coordinator of their opponent on reschedules. The league will ignore any direct requests from coaches to reschedule or cancel matches.
Thanks and have a great season!
GCCYS and Amerileagues